Get Involved

Help support CPRI’s mission

We invite you to share your expertise with the best minds in cybersecurity.

CPRI seeks a broad and diverse range of expertise, viewpoints and experience for its Executive Committee and among its participants.

Executive Committee Member Responsibilities:

  • Provide financial and other support for CPRI’s work;
  • Offer strategic advice to the CPRI Executive Director;
  • Act as advocates for CPRI and promote community interest in the institute; and
  • Assist in seeking additional members and seeking financial support.

Members are invited to participate in meetings and off-line discussions to participate in the process of finding cybersecurity solutions.  Executive Committee members will

  • Participate in several general sessions per year (in person or virtually)
  • Be available by phone and email for substantive consultations on CPRI’s mission
  • Support and actively participate in specific CPRI initiatives

To participate, click here to email Bryan Cunningham