
CPRI Event: Cybersecurity Workforce: 2020 on Oct. 11

Cybersecurity Workforce eventThe Cybersecurity Workforce: 2020
An Employer-Student Dialog

When: October 11, 2017, 3-6 pm
Where: Cal IT2 Building, UCI Campus

The Cybersecurity Policy & Research Institute (CPRI) is facilitating a discussion between industry and government cybersecurity professionals and UCI undergraduate and graduate students interested in careers in cybersecurity and related fields.

From 3-5 p.m., we will have several panel discussions among potential employers giving their vision for their cyber workforce circa 2020, including:

  • the skill sets and course work they most value in new cybersecurity employees;
  • individual approaches and attitudes they find most compatible with their organization’s culture; and
  • tips for successfully interviewing for cybersecurity positions. Each panel will have time for student questions and answers.

Depending upon interest among our Executive Committee members and participants, we anticipate at least two industry panels and possibly one government panel. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories and several other government agencies have expressed interest in participating.

CPRI will host a reception, including food and refreshments, from 5-6 pm, to enable direct dialog between Orange County cybersecurity employers and UCI students. We will publicize the event via appropriate university social media, student organizations, electronic and paper announcement boards, and other fora to encourage maximums student participation. This event will take place approximately two weeks before UCI’s fall career fair, to both help students prepare for interviews during that career event and enable CPRI-supporting organizations to speak with interested students in advance of the event.

To sponsor and participate in this event, please contact Bryan Cunningham at or, by telephone, at 303-349-4870. There will be a limited number of panel positions, so please reach out as soon as possible if interested.